With our intense focus on policing reform, we must no lose sight of the need for comprehensive criminal justice reform including corrections reform. In fact as we rethink our public safety budget priorities - which is what the "Defund the Police" slogan really means to most, though not all, who embrace it - shifting funds within public safety budgets to scale-up well run, successful re-entry programs makes enormous sense. In Partnership with the Alliance for Safety and Justice and Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, The Marron Institute of Urban Management at NYU has just published an excellent new issue brief on post-incarceration re-entry programs in the COVID-19 era of increased early-release: https://mcusercontent.com/27dd19ff74590a2bf02bbcc2d/files/f233eb52-89f9-4651-ab6c-a7326c582d0f/NYU_Marron_Litmus_EffectiveReentryPartnerships.01.pdf
which lays it all out succinctly, and includes a helpful bibliography.
